I found a folder of 200+ photos from an adventure I had with an acquaintance down to St Mary's Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption - in January of 2018. Absolutely gorgeous Gothic architecture - completely worth a field trip to enjoy its beauty.
Don't worry...I've edited the photos down to a mere 58 (so far) and I'll edit more as I process. This is my first installment and I'll try to keep everything interesting.
There is so much history in this building I could pass along - but I am so freaking exhausted tonight. It's my Friday (6th day of my work week), I only slept 3 hours yesterday (FIVE and a HALF today!), Mara, Pappy and I went and picked 50 more ears of corn this morning (and 6 tomatoes), and I feel like crap. My hand is screaming.
BUT...I will post this cool information about the Cathedral:
most bizarre and fascinating element which adorned a cathedral are the
sinister gargoyles. In addition to diverting rainwater away from the
cathedral, their chimeric designs personified human qualities
antithetical to the behavior of virtuous Christians. The central
entrance features statuary and stone carvings by the honored American
sculptor, Clement Barnhorn. Atop its twin-towered facade, 32 gargoyles
reach out from the ornate upper colonnade, and 26 chimeras stand
watchful guard against evil spirits.
“Forests were the first temples of God and in forests men grasped their first idea of architecture.”
~ Introduction to Architecture
~ Introduction to Architecture
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