Tuesday, March 14, 2017

"Wait a minute. Bruce Wayne is Batman...'s roommate?" ~The Joker


Mara and I went to see the new Lego Batman movie over the weekend.  It was hilarious!  Of course, seeing all of the Lego figures up close and personal - and so freaking well lit! - I wanted to try it myself.

(I need a nice little (portable?) studio so I can take better photos.  It's frustrating!  I know what to do, but accomplishing it is a whole other story...)

This is my end product.


This one is just the ambient light in the room.

This one is lit from the back/side with a little battery powered tea light.

And this one is lit with the tea light and the blue sign-on screen from my phone - but only for a split second.

I get too frustrated trying to take great photos with the limitations I put upon myself.  More planning is needed beforehand.  Well...I DID ask Mara for the tea light before I left for work that night...

Batgirl:  Why did you build this thing with only one seat?
Batman:  Because last I checked I only had one butt.

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