Thursday, March 16, 2017

Through early morning fog I see, visions of the things to be, the pains that are withheld for me, I realize and I can see...


More of the mundane.  I've been trying to take more photos.  "Trying". 

I have completely failed on my mission regarding my recent "health" issues, though.  I didn't want to tote Chuck to the hospital with me for my surgery because Pappy would have had to cart him around while he was waiting for everything to finish.  (We were at the hospital from 7:45am - 1:45pm...for an 18 minute surgery!)  Surgery went great - except for the 2 dingus nurses who couldn't get my IV in place (5 pokes and I still have a huge bruise on my hand - 13 days later!). 

I also had to go to physical therapy a few times.  I'm sure they are expecting me to be there for more than 3 sessions, but hey, I can get the same thing accomplished for $10 a month at Planet Fitness.  AND they wouldn't listen when I told them they were making my leg bones hurt.  The one dude kept saying it hurt because of all of the swelling inside from the surgery.  Uhh...there's nothing left in there to swell....bones?  I don't think they can swell up...they're BONE. Planet Fitness (I almost typed Planet Hollywood!! Doh!) but I'm leaning more towards NKU's new Recreation Center.  For alumni it's only $28 a month...and there's a pool! 

Today was my post-op meeting with the doctor.  He said everything looks great and explained all of the photos he took during surgery.  One photo was of a bone spur he removed from the joint.  It was HUGE!  Like the size of a quarter!  No wonder my little leg hurt.  We decided that I'll go back in 2 months and see about having the other knee fixed.  Cross your fingers.  Sadly, I was very remiss in photo-documenting my whole experience - their offices are pretty fun "doctor-y" stuff sitting around to shoot. 

Maybe the next leg. are some totally random (of course) photos from the past few weeks...

Foggy morning.....I promise I just held Chuck up without looking through the viewfinder...  :)

People look at you weird when you are photographing at a red light...

The bar at The Leapin Lizard...

This is what my headaches look like...if my brain was a big, mushy glob of chewed Bubblicious and these pods were stuck in the middle...

Uhh...this is a glob of bird poop...shaped like a heart...

And I bought new sheets!  Pretty, soft ones!  (Kohl's has a real racket going on go in, spend $50 bucks or so and they give you $10 more to suck you back in!  It's never-ending!)

For the past 2 weeks I've had two songs jammed in my brain...the theme to Cheers and Suicide is Painless from M*A*S*H (the 1970 movie funeral scene).  Now I need to watch the movie again.


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