Sunday, July 5, 2015 a 3-1/2 ring...

Oh Em Gee!!

Finally!!  The Krispy Kreme we have been stalking for the past 3 months has opened!!  If you have never been privy to one of these babies, hot off the grill - so to speak - you have no idea what you are missing.  I promise...they taste NOTHING like the dried up hockey pucks you buy at the grocery store.

I'm spoiled.

When I was a kid, we would drive to the Latonia Bakery at 11pm on Friday nights to buy our weekend doughnuts.  Warm.  I remember the ladies telling me to open my mouth so they could shove a doughnut hole in before anyone saw us.  Man...the scent when you walk into Krispy Kreme brings back those awesome adventures.  They're close - really close - to being as delicious as my childhood memories.  

It's scary to realize that Mara has never taken pleasure in savoring a warm, freshly baked doughnut.
If YOU have never had the experience, it's about time you did.  I know, before long, we will be on a first name basis with every associate in that store (we even measured the mileage...).

You have to request warm doughnuts so they are taken right off the line.  Otherwise, you won't be able to appreciate the whole experience.

And the chorus of Angels sang....

This was the scene about 4.5 minutes later...

Of course, we had to participate in the complete experience...'s only 20 miles - round-trip - out of my way....

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