Friday, July 31, 2015

"A thing of beauty is a joy forever..." ~Keats


I decided tonight at dinner to finally set Chuck up on a tripod out on the deck and see if I could get a couple of nice shots of our little friends. 

Holy crap!

I set the tripod close to the door with the cable release attached.  I ran the cable inside so that I could sit behind the blinds and take the photos.  Chuck's shutter sounds like a hammer and my little friend was kind of freaked out at first.  There was a big wasp sitting on the feeder which was adding to the mayhem.  It only took about 10 minutes to get more than 100 photos.  What can I say....I'm a maniac.  It's so tempting to try this again, but I would posting the same photos over and over if I did.  Well...maybe one more time (or so).

Here we go...

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Look at his little tootsies!!  Think about shutter speed was 1/80 of a freaking fast do his wings move?!!

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