Monday, September 29, 2014

“Self-preservation is the first law of nature.” ~Samuel Butler


So, tonight I'm cleaning up my desktop.  I've spent the past couple of days moving the furniture in my room around (yes, it took TWO days...don't judge) and I have a brand new place for my computer.  I can actually sit in a real chair with my legs under the table and work!  Well, my work these days is going to predominately consist of me searching relentlessly for a new job. 

You have no idea...

I think I have a few stray photos sitting around that I want to post before the end of the month.  I have decided to give myself a challenge for the month of October.  I really, REALLY liked how my photos turned out for my 5 Day Black & White Photo Challenge, so I decided to make the whole month nothing but B&W.

We'll see.

Today, Pappy, Mara and I were running errands and I managed to take a few photos.  I need to get back to my old practice of carrying my camera - on my shoulder.  Oh, Chuck goes EVERYWHERE with me, but not always where he is readily available.  I am going to pledge to make as many photographs as I can this month and post the majority on here (for everyone else to enjoy).

Well, without much further ado, here are my stragglers....

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