Thursday, September 4, 2014

“The morning pouring everywhere, its golden glory on the air.” ~Longfellow

Hey now....

This past week we've had some super foggy mornings.

One of the benefits of getting off work just as the sun comes up is being the recipient of Mary Sunshine's beautiful face.

This morning, the fog was thick as pea soup.

There is this cool little Lutheran Cemetery not too far from work that I stop by every once a's good for a few "sunrise/headstone" shots.  This morning was no exception.

After I shot my requisite allotment, I was messing around in the cemetery when I drove past the church's little jungle-gym.

Now, everybody knows I am absolutely (AB-SO-LUTE-LY) petrified of spiders, right?  Although...I am morbidly obsessed with spider webs, especially ones that are covered in the morning's dew. (What better photo-op than a glistening, lacy web, eh? Brrrrr....)

When I pulled up on the fenced in children's area, I could see a rather large funnel web at the far end.  Of course I am going to stop for this one!  As I pulled out of the cemetery and turned into the parking lot, something caught my eye...

An enormous web that stretched from the branches of a large tree to the ground.  Oh my!  Of course I'm going to get a shot or two (or 50) of that one.  As I entered the fenced area, I could see a multitude of small webs immersed in the chain link.  I very carefully made my way around the jungle-gym, as I could see an assortment of gauzy structures.  Holy crap, some of the webs were gorgeous.  The ability of a spider to create a formation of that magnitude and complexity in the span of a day (I have experienced this, unfortunately), completely blows my mind.  Here are a few to peruse....

And then there are these...

When I first saw these webs with the sun highlighting the dewdrops, I was struck at the resemblance to a certain diamond choker in one of Mara's favorite Musicals...

See?  Beauty surrounds all times.  You just have to open your eyes and look.

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