Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sophie's Choice...

So...I have decided since I am actively pursuing a new career, I need a way to share my portfolio with prospective employers.  What better way than to post some of my work here on my blog!  I spent several hours yesterday and today perusing more than 60,000 photographs I have stored on my hard drives. 


It was nice, though, reminiscing over my older catalogs and seeing how far I have progressed in the past 8 years.  The biggest problem I have encountered is my ability to choose just a handful of photos to share.

Hence, Sophie's Choice.

Well, I have whittled 60k down to a mere 30 of my Architecture photos.  I'll be posting several other categories over the next week.  Hopefully, these with help me land a big fish.  I can't take much more of not being surrounded by artists.  My brain is turning to mush and I am terrified of being part of that "95% of art students who never make art again after graduation". 

(I A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y despised having one of my professors saying that at the beginning of each semester...Why in the hell should I be spending thousands of dollars for an education in the Arts if you are constantly telling me I am going to fail?  Nice that you've "got my back" and have soooo much confidence in my abilities.  Yay!)


Well, here is my first installation of "The World Through Anna's Eyes"


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