Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Dog Eat Dog World....

So...I received my first 2 rejection letters today.  Disappointing.  But, the show must go on.  I feel like I'm on the eternal search for a nice position.  I will just keep applying until somebody likes me.  It's hard to find a well-paying job doing something that I may enjoy - you know - a CAREER.  No matter the fact that I will have 2 (TWO) degrees, no one is hiring without at least 3 years experience.  Well, how am I supposed to obtain this experience if I cannot get hired?

Geez.  It's a vicious circle.  I'm not asking for much.  Just enough to pay the bills and put a little away...I'm not getting any younger ya know.

Well, here are a couple of photos I took on an early, cold morning.  Hopefully, they can cheer me up even though they are an optical illusion.  Pretty cool, eh?

I wish I was really sitting on the beach at Treasure Island, watching the sunset....

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