Thursday, March 6, 2014

Laissez les bon temps rouler!!......

Happy Mardi Gras!! commemorate the festivities, Mara baked 2 King Cakes.  Delicious!  On a silly side note, she didn't have any babies to stick in the cakes, so she said she was going to surprise us with Legos.  What??!  I better not crunch down on one.  I can see it now - I chomp down on one of those things, spit it, accidentally step on it, fall and break a hip!!  If you know me, you know exactly how possible this could be... 

Another sidebar...we didn't have any purple, gold or green colored sugar for the cakes so Mara and Pappy bought some candy sprinkles.  The problem was there were only mixed colored sprinkles available so Mara spent half an hour separating them.  Talk about dedication.

(Sprinkles....did you know my pole dancer name is Sprinkles?  Now, try to get THAT image outta your head.  You're welcome!) is a photo of Mara's masterpieces.  Pretty.

I'm still worried about the Legos...

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