Sunday, March 2, 2014

Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Turkey Lurkey and the Boy who Cried Wolf....

Well...the "White Death" will soon be upon us - again.  I am truly sick and tired of looking at this crap.  The thing is, the weathermen have no real idea how much or how little accumulation we will ever receive - but they have no problem inducing panic.  Try going to the grocery store the day before a big storm.  Good luck finding a parking spot - let alone a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk.

Enough of my rant.

Even though I no longer enjoy winter (now that I am a grown-up), I have to admit many gorgeous photographs can be produced.  After the freezing rain this morning, my dad and I walked around for a few minutes and I made a couple of cool pictures.

I don't have to like it but I'll admit (grudgingly) that it's beautiful.


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