Friday, April 28, 2017

Sunday, April 23, 2017

"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


Pappy and I visited Spring Grove Cemetery this past weekend.  This is a small taste of what we found there....

I'll post the rest as soon as I process them.


“Most of the dandelions had changed from suns into moons.” ~Vladimir Nabokov


Early one day last week, as I was driving past Christ Baptist Church in Cold Spring, I noticed a multitude of dandelion puffballs growing on their lawn.  The most excellent factor was, because of the early angle of the sun (the golden hour), each puffball looked as is it was glowing from within.  Of course, I had to stop and see if Chuck and I could capture some of this beauty.  Well, even though my knee feels about 1000 times better, I haven't yet embraced my inner mountain goat.  So, I had to settle for puffballs lit from behind.

They turned out fairly interesting nonetheless.

(I was feeling artsy on that last one...)


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

“Did you ever wonder if the person in the puddle is real, and you're just a reflection of him?” ~Bill Watterson


I have all of these photos I need to post (finally).  A couple of weeks ago, when it was raining profusely every day, I drove around taking photos of reflections in puddles.  These photos have been sitting in Lightroom just WAITING for me to post them. they are....

Honestly?  I was just getting really tired of seeing them every time I opened Lightroom...

(I'm lazy....shhhh...)


Monday, April 17, 2017

They say it's your birthday...


THIS person (on the left) turned 34 years old today.

Holy.  Crap.

Happy Birthday, Emily!!!!!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

“Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.” ~Marcus Aurelius, Meditations


Last year, I decided I wanted to document the interiors of as many of Greater Cincinnati's churches as I could gain access and publish a Blurb book.  There is a whole range of reasons why this never came into fruition, the most prevalent being my laziness.  Well, Mara, Pappy, and I were out "thrifting" last week and we visited St. Clare Chapel at the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor on Compton Road in Cincinnati (they have a nice little thrift store on campus). 

Holy crap! 

The interior is beautiful!  There were several Sisters inside praying and Chuck's shutter sounds like a canon going off, so I felt it was too disrespectful to take very many photos that day.  We are definitely going back up at a time where I can be the least intrusive.  I had my tripod with me, but that just adds to the cacophony I was trying to avoid. 

All of my photos here we taken hand-held with an extremely high ISO.  Sorry...Chuck gets REALLY noisy around ISO 400.

Hopefully, these photos will be the impetus to get my buns in gear on this project.

What a beautiful chapel.


Friday, April 14, 2017

“Those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often.” ~Mae West


Not much going on tonight, although I have some "driving around town" photos to share.

Bor-ing....I need to step up my game.


I DID actually get out of my car the other morning to take some photos...


(Parked it and walked around and everything!)

Thursday, April 13, 2017

"Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill." ~Gautama Buddha


I have just a few photos from our adventures last week.

Live Blue a Jungle Jim's...(I don't know why I'm posting 2 photos...maybe because they're really, REALLY creepy looking?)

Salted caramel cupcake...yummy.  There is a new place - Cakes & Cones - in Alexandria we HAD to try...HAD to...

And a pretty daffodil outside of Bob Evans.

(I have a horrible headache and horrendous toothache tonight...I am not feeling verbally jaunty....sorry.)

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

"Your job is to get your audience to care about your obsessions." ~Marting Scorsese


Have you ever seen something fleeting but then it is stuck in your head and you obsess over it for days?  I do this - a lot.  I have even driven miles and miles to get back to something I have seen just to photograph it - or to put it in proper perspective in my mind.  Sometimes, this doesn't work out the way I imagined. 

This is kind of one of those times.

Several weeks ago, I bought a ginormous bottle of hand sanitizer for the lobby at work.  Inside of the bottle were a billion tiny air bubbles suspended in the goo.  Apparently, I was sitting every night staring aimlessly at this bottle (waiting for Spencer to log off the computer), and the image was imprinted - inadvertently - in my head.  When I finally realized this, I knew I had to take action to purge it.  Since I removed my tripod from my car, I am restricted to shooting Chuck just sitting stationary on the desk.  If you know me at all, you understand that I have almost no patience (with myself) whatsoever and I am an "Instant Gratification" kind of a gal.

Well...I took a few photos (a buttload) to try to capture what my eyes and brain were seeing.  I even got out my little Kodak point and shoot to have a crack at it.


The main irksome obsession is now gone, but I still catch myself glaring at the stupid bottle every night.

This shot was taken with Chuck...geez.

This one was with the Kodak...and the cobalt blue light on the bottom of my tiny speaker I use on my computer.  It looks like frog eggs.

This one was also from the Kodak.  Holy crap, Chuck.  You'd best be looking over your shoulder!

But, like I said....meh.


Sunday, April 2, 2017

"Count the headlights on the highway..."


The other night I was lying in bed and I happened to look over at one of my new Lego Minifigures...Harley Quinn.  My phone was lighting her up while she was hanging out with Caveman Batman on my night table.  Since it was otherwise dark in my room, I knew it would be a pain in the buns to take a nice, sharp photo with Chuck, so I remembered that I have a little Kodak point-and-shoot camera I got for a steal on clearance a couple of years ago.  The problem was remembering exactly where I put it - so I wouldn't forget where I put it. 

Hey, it only took me ONE day to find it. are some photos I took last night, along with a couple of photos that were already on the camera.

This was one night when I stopped to get air in my tires at UDF in Wilder.  The light was shining through the leaves on the tree by the air-pump.  The video is much cooler...but I'm saving that for another project.

There are 11 brand-spankin'-new Corvettes stuffed on this truck.  The motel no longer exists, but while it was waiting for demolition (the fire departments used it for drills), as many as 6 truckloads of 'Vettes would be parked here...every night!

Cruisin' the Cold Spring Arby's.  I don't see this guy anymore - I hope it's because I am hardly ever out during the day - being a vampire and all...

Sparkling mineral water...

Harley Quinn...from the Batman Lego Movie (which I highly recommend).

This is my baby sock monkey - Tony Danza.  You know...Elton John..."Hold me closer, Tony Danzaaaaa...."

And my tiny Troll dolls.  I had a whole collection of these when I was in high school.

All in all...the camera isn't too terribly bad.  Gets the job done.  (Don't worry, Chuck.  I'm not giving up on you.)
