Sunday, August 14, 2016

If I have to, I can face anything, I am strong, I am invincible....


Okay.  So I've been slacking...again.  No excuses.  Well..maybe some.  My leg has really been bothering me, and it's been ridiculously hot and humid, and I'm lazy.  REALLY lazy.  But, my leg actually has been bothering me.  I had my yearly check-up with my family doctor (who put me on another medication - to stave off the dreaded impending Diabetes II) and he gave me a referral to an Orthopedic doctor.  Well...x-rays were taken and the results were about as I expected.  No cartilage (bone on bone), more arthritis and lots of bone spurs in my right knee.  The left one isn't much better.  So, I chose to receive cortisone shot (Holy. Crap.) and yet ANOTHER prescription.  That is 6 now.  I'm gonna rattle when I walk.  Geez.  Oh well.  And let me tell you...don't let anyone EVER tell you that a cortisone shot doesn't hurt.  The injection wasn't was the aftermath.  By the time I left for work that night, my knee was so stiff and swollen I could barely walk.  I was in tears trying to complete my patrol and make it to the restroom.  Then, I had to make it from my car into the house and into bed.  It was so bad I even left Chuck sitting at the bottom of the stairs.  My leg feels much better now - well as much as it ever will again - but, if I opt for another injection, I'll be taking the night off.

Now, here are a few photos I happened to take this past month.  Just a few, though.

The hibiscus in our front yard...

Mellow Mushroom party deck...

I seem to be IHopping a lot lately.

I saw this on a Pokemon-ing adventure (I have since found a waaaay better game - Two Dots)...

And I purchased a wide angle/macro lens for my cellphone...and received a Stowaway-a-saurus!!  Meet my new buddy, Phil!

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