Monday, July 11, 2016

“Your mind can be either your prison or your palace. What you make it is yours to decide” ~Bernard Kelvin Clive


Let's finish these up.  (Such poor grammar.  Sister Cyrilla will be haunting me forever...)  I am just going to post the rest of what I processed the other night. 

While I was at the ATM, I happened to look out the corner of my eye and at first I thought this said, "Satan's Baseball", and I did one of those cartoon double-takes.  Like the other day, when I passed Lee's Chicken, and I read, "Chicken and Shit", instead of Strips.  Hey, that one is plausible.  How about McDonald's Anus Burgers?  We had a lot of fun with that one...

This is Silly String on the wall at Goodwill...I hope.  (Google Andres Serrano's "Ejaculate in Trajectory".)

I love when the sun is coming up through the cloudy sky.  It's hard to get a good wide-angle shot of it around here, though.  Too many trees, buildings, poles...etc.  So I have to visit my Mind Palace and scroll back though everywhere I have visited which is facing East, higher than buildings, and has no poles or other visual detritus...and close enough so I can get my shot before the sun is too far over the horizon.  St. Elizabeth Hospital campus in Edgewood.  Not too bad...

And this was at a traffic light on the AA Hwy - I was at a red light - on a really freaky, foggy day...

And this is from me just farting around...

I started Googling artists tonight and 3 hours later I'm like..."How did I get HERE??"  It happens every time...I start out looking for Museum Collection Photographer jobs and 4 hours later - and because I start thinking further and further outside of the box - I'm contemplating a position cleaning up elephant poop at a circus in Fairbanks.  Truth.

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