Saturday, July 16, 2016

"What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when..."


So I'm a little obsessed with the flowers in the front yard.  Let's just get these outta the way...

I am also changing things up a little.  I normally crop all of my photos for here in a hard, tight square (I just like the way they present on this blog platform) but I have left these their original size.  I used some filters here and there, too.

This shroom-y was about an inch tall.  My big fat butt isn't getting on the ground to shoot, so these types of photos are hit or miss.

I was sitting in a parking lot in Florence the other morning and I did another one of those double takes.  "Salad Obsession"?  Oooookaay...  Today I saw a banner on the front of Asbury United Methodist which read, "Free Lunch for Kids," but I saw "Free Kittens".  Wait, what?

We're getting ready to paint the living room and kitchen (it's an open floor plan) and we are test driving some new colors.  This is Mara's "Ode to Rothko".  I think the one on the bottom is the winner.  (It's shiny because it was still wet.)

And somebody has been playing in the Dead Sea Mud Mask stuff again...nightmarish-y...

This song has been on an endless loop in my head for idea.

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