Monday, July 18, 2016

"Football is the ballet of the masses." ~Dmitri Shostakovich


Pappy, Mara and I had a fun adventure this weekend.  Cincinnati's new soccer team - FC Cincinnati - had a friendly match against Crystal Palace - a team we follow in the Premiership (and who lost in the FA Cup Final to our team, Manchester United!!).  How cool is it that Crystal Palace came here, to Cincinnati, to play against Cincinnati's team in their inaugural season?  AND the match broke the all-time attendance record of a soccer match in the State of Ohio!  Keep in mind that the Columbus Crew is in the MLS and they play LA Galaxy who had David Beckham on their team.  Cool!

So...I got a little tired of editing my bazillion photos.  Here's one of the size of the crowd (partially - but you get the idea).

And these were on the car ride home.

We (Emily, Mara, Pappy and I) went on an adventure to the Jack Casino last week. 


I like Belterra at River Downs much better...

Sunday, July 17, 2016

“Make your life a mission - not an intermission”


I have a couple of my "I'm really bored at work...hey look!  What's this is see?" photos from last week to post while I work on the 763 or so photos I shot Saturday.


Saturday, July 16, 2016

"What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when..."


So I'm a little obsessed with the flowers in the front yard.  Let's just get these outta the way...

I am also changing things up a little.  I normally crop all of my photos for here in a hard, tight square (I just like the way they present on this blog platform) but I have left these their original size.  I used some filters here and there, too.

This shroom-y was about an inch tall.  My big fat butt isn't getting on the ground to shoot, so these types of photos are hit or miss.

I was sitting in a parking lot in Florence the other morning and I did another one of those double takes.  "Salad Obsession"?  Oooookaay...  Today I saw a banner on the front of Asbury United Methodist which read, "Free Lunch for Kids," but I saw "Free Kittens".  Wait, what?

We're getting ready to paint the living room and kitchen (it's an open floor plan) and we are test driving some new colors.  This is Mara's "Ode to Rothko".  I think the one on the bottom is the winner.  (It's shiny because it was still wet.)

And somebody has been playing in the Dead Sea Mud Mask stuff again...nightmarish-y...

This song has been on an endless loop in my head for idea.

Monday, July 11, 2016

“Your mind can be either your prison or your palace. What you make it is yours to decide” ~Bernard Kelvin Clive


Let's finish these up.  (Such poor grammar.  Sister Cyrilla will be haunting me forever...)  I am just going to post the rest of what I processed the other night. 

While I was at the ATM, I happened to look out the corner of my eye and at first I thought this said, "Satan's Baseball", and I did one of those cartoon double-takes.  Like the other day, when I passed Lee's Chicken, and I read, "Chicken and Shit", instead of Strips.  Hey, that one is plausible.  How about McDonald's Anus Burgers?  We had a lot of fun with that one...

This is Silly String on the wall at Goodwill...I hope.  (Google Andres Serrano's "Ejaculate in Trajectory".)

I love when the sun is coming up through the cloudy sky.  It's hard to get a good wide-angle shot of it around here, though.  Too many trees, buildings, poles...etc.  So I have to visit my Mind Palace and scroll back though everywhere I have visited which is facing East, higher than buildings, and has no poles or other visual detritus...and close enough so I can get my shot before the sun is too far over the horizon.  St. Elizabeth Hospital campus in Edgewood.  Not too bad...

And this was at a traffic light on the AA Hwy - I was at a red light - on a really freaky, foggy day...

And this is from me just farting around...

I started Googling artists tonight and 3 hours later I'm like..."How did I get HERE??"  It happens every time...I start out looking for Museum Collection Photographer jobs and 4 hours later - and because I start thinking further and further outside of the box - I'm contemplating a position cleaning up elephant poop at a circus in Fairbanks.  Truth.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Saturday, July 9, 2016

“If life is a bowl of cherries, then what am I doing in the pits?” ~Erma Bombeck


Remember when you were a kid and your parents told you not to play with your food? 


I need to get out more...or maybe eat more exotic(er) food.


Friday, July 8, 2016

"There are always flowers for those who want to see them." ~Henri Matisse


I'm back!  My card reader crapped out on me, so I had to purchase another.  I can't really complain, the old one saw me through 50k-plus photo downloads.  It was time...

Here are a couple of photos of the awesome orange Coneflower planted in our walkway at home.  I was sure it was a Black-Eyed Susan and was pleasantly surprised to see the beautiful orange flowers.  Cool!

We also have several Moonbeam Coreopsis planted.  The flowers and stems are so delicate.

This year, despite being hacked down (improperly pruned) last year by the lawn service, the Hydrangea is crazy huge.  The plant is higher than my waist the completely covered with immense flower heads.  We must have had the most ideal spring.  Every bush I've seen so far is huge and covered with enormous flowers.  Gorgeous.

Flowers... are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty out-values all the utilities of the world.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1844