Monday, June 27, 2016

"All that we see or seem, Is but a dream within a dream." ~EDGAR ALLAN POE, A Dream Within a Dream


I think we're good with the impromptu "I have way too much empty time on my hands" food and Lego photos.

Other than my new, really weird and vivid dreams, not much has been happening.  Soccer and British TV.  My life is so full.

We have poppies blooming this year.  Evey time I walk past them I hear the Wicked Witch:

We have been cruising around Ludlow.  There are so many more churches than I remember.

This is where I attended kindergarten!!  (NOT in 1869, though.)

The stuff of nightmares.  I still will not ever (ever, ever, ever) again get in past my ankles.

If you love sharks and looking at awesome shark photos, I cannot recommend highly enough the photographer Michael Muller's book, just released through Taschen Press. 

Here's the link - Michael Muller - Sharks

I found it much cheaper on Amazon and it was worth every penny.  Beautifully terrifying.


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