Sunday, August 9, 2015

"What makes the Hottentots so hot?"


I'm in a little bit better mood tonight - and I processed enough photos last night to keep me for a couple of days.

I have the hiccups, though.  Thoroughly annoying.

I know I have posted photos of red raspberries here before, but these babies were GIGANTIC!  I have this weird thing (only one??) where I absolutely will not drink milk that is within one day of being out-of-date.  Ever.  No exceptions.  I'll put water on my cereal before that would happen.  Well...the same can't be said about other foods.  Stale bread?  Pick the green stuff off and pop it in the toaster.  All good.  Stale doughnuts?  Microwave.  Gross apple?  Cut out the mushy part.  Red raspberries?  Eat the good ones and pick off the fuzzy parts...

These were the survivors...until after their portraits were taken.

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