Saturday, August 15, 2015

Don't tell me how to live my life...You ain't the boss of me...


The other night I brought some berries to work to go with my waffle I was having for lunch.  (Emily bought them for dinner...and I swiped them.)  The red raspberries show up fairly well against the crappy backdrop I have here...well...the side of the computer tower on the desk.  Hey.  Ya work with what ya got.

Adapt and overcome.

Well, I wanted to shoot the blackberries instead since they were freaking huge.  I mean, like the size of my thumb!  So, I improvised.  I just switched to my 50mm lens - which I am a little more comfortable using - too.  I wanted a makeshift lightbox, so I draped the unperforated paper towels we have in the office from the top of the computer tower down over the desk to make a seamless backdrop.  I then sat Chuck at the closest focal distance possible and set him for a timed shutter release.  This cuts down on my shaky camera hands. 


Crazy sharp close-ups of blackberries.

 And...they were delicious.

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