Wednesday, August 12, 2015

"I'm tired of words and I'm too hoarse to shout..."


All of the sudden, we have all kinds of flora and fauna going on at home. 
  • It seems we are on the never-ending pursuit of the elusive Moonbeam Corepsis.  
  • Penny found a little toad the other night (after he scared the crap out of her).  
  • Mara found a little frog tonight - while walking Penny - and named him Mr. Beetles...then she came home and murdered a GIGANTIC spider.  (Well done.)  
  • We have at least 3 hummingbirds visiting the feeder...Pierre, Giuseppe and the New Guy.
  • A Praying Mantis cocoon hatched in a bush in the front yard, so we had babies all over.  And remember Pablo came back to visit.
  • We saw the black snake, Jafar, in the tree at the Little Miami River.
  • Mara caught the fat tadpole, Buttons.
  • Wasps keep pestering the poor hummingbirds...stealing their food.
  • And this guy....a really big Katydid.  Cool!

I switched lenses this past weekend.  Hopefully it will help a little with my focus (Chuck handling) issues.

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