Wednesday, January 28, 2015

"Good lord I feel like I'm dyin'" ~Gregg Allman

And so we meet again...

I remember my first day in Mr. Fookes' Sociology class.  He quoted cleric John Donne - "No Man is an Island".  Maybe not, but it's sure as hell less painful.

This was my view this morning as I swam in the morass of self-pity that is my life - today.  I know I will get over this hump - I always do, I just need a day or two to "compartmentalize".  This one just kinda hurt because it was unexpected....well, maybe a little "expected" unexpected.  Sometimes it feels like I am doing the Cha-Cha-Cha - you know, one step forward, two steps back - except I am standing at the edge of a cliff this time and a trou de loup was there to catch me.  Skewered...hoisted with my own petard...

One thing is for sure, the crap that went down this week has motivated me to get back looking for new employment - far, far away.  The past has a way to haunt you, eh?

I will survive, right Gloria?

Enough of this tripe.

Today, I went to the eye doctor (finally) and got to choose some new frames.  They're so cute!  I can't wait to get them!  Sunglasses too...yay!  (Can you tell I am a little excited?)  The lady who helped me choose my frames was really sweet.  When I first sat down she told me I smelled nice.  Thank you, ma'am.  You have no idea how much I needed to hear something like that...a REAL compliment! are a couple of photos from my adventure today...I'm merely a smidge more blind (in my old age - oh, excuse me - more "mature" state). 

C'est la vie!!!

These ^^^ are my new glasses...aren't they freaking awesome??!  Cyril Figgis!

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