Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Every cloud must have a silver lining...Wait until the sun shines through...

So...A couple of months ago, Pappy and I were "thrifting" in Newport and, of course, Chuck was along for the ride.  We found another church on the corner of York and 8th streets that has opened a little thrift area.  I pass this church - First Baptist Church built in 1894 - all of the time and now I am curious as to what it looks like on the inside.  Maybe that will be a future field trip.  The architecture is beautiful. 

One of the items on my bucket list is to observe a stone mason working his craft.  One of the original Klaene brothers who immigrated to the United States was a stone mason.  Some of his descendents who live in the Cincinnati area still ply the trade...even though I think they're really just brick layers now. 

If you ever find yourself sitting at a traffic light - either in Covington or Cincinnati - look around you at the architectural elements.  Some craftsman spent hours carving that from stone.  Absolutely gorgeous.

Here are some of the features of the church and the house next door to it which caught my attention.

I have several churches on my itinerary.  I need to get crackin'.

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