Sunday, January 14, 2018

We going downtown in the middle of the night, We laughing and I'm jokin' and we feelin' alright. ~ZZ Top


I'm back!! 

I've been working on a "little" personal project the past 10 months and the past 4-5 months the situation has gotten a little bit more - well - intense.  As of two weeks ago, I have lost a total of 106lbs!!  Needless to say, my weight loss journey has taken over every aspect of my life.  I'm going to try to do better, photography-wise, so let's keep our fingers crossed.

I have 150 photos to process, taken since last spring (holy crap, I'm lazy).  Here are a few to get us started.

And - as usual - there's no rhyme or reason.  Go figure.



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