Thursday, May 11, 2017

“I grabbed a pile of dust, and holding it up, foolishly asked for as many birthdays as the grains of dust, I forgot to ask that they be years of youth." ~Ovid, Metamorphoses


This past Monday (May 8th) was my "19th Annual 35th Birthday" and Mara, Pappy and I had some adventures.

We stopped at Abby Girl Sweets for my gourmet birthday cupcakes...Yummy...

Then we were going to visit the Cincinnati Art Museum but I forgot they are closed on we sat in the shade in their parking lot and ate our cupcakes.

Then we decided to visit the Butterfly Show at the Krohn Conservatory since we were already in the park.  I took a whole mess of photos but I'm only posting a few tonight (I edited down from 500 to 240 in my stash - then I processed a few). 

We saw cacti....


And butterflies...(there were 85 different species in the show but I know I didn't see THAT many).

I promise there will be plenty more photos from all of our recent adventures very soon.

Until next time...


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