Tuesday, February 21, 2017

"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see." ~Edgar Degas


It was REALLY foggy again this morning when I left work.  I have a couple of different series of photos I made, but I wanted to share this one first.  For one, I went to GREAT lengths and put myself in HARM'S WAY to take these 7 photographs...I had to GET DOWN ONTO THE GROUND!

AND....I was able to get back up - BY MYSELF!!  (It wasn't pretty, though...)  I'm sure the neighbors were wondering if I had fallen and had their fingers all set to dial 911 - but then enjoyed the entertaining sight of me struggling back to my feet.

Well...it was worth it.  See?

And I'm throwing in some artsy-fartsy black and white ones...just for fun.

I risked life and limb to take these!


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