Monday, January 16, 2017

“On matters of style, swim with the current, on matters of principle, stand like a rock.” ~Thomas Jefferson


Back to the monotonous.  You can always tell when my inner "Artsy-Fartsy" is tingling.  I start taking photos of whatever is available at the time.  Case in point:  my food.  I even set everything up just like I am in a real studio (instead of wasting my precious "gifts" sitting on my bum at my brain-numbing job). 

Subjects - a raspberry and chocolate chips
Tripod - my cellphone and some napkins
Seamless backdrop - a roll of paper towels
Lights - a flashlight (I even made it into a softbox with a napkin)

My only miscue?  I made a freaking rookie mistake and had my ISO set on 6400 for the raspberry and the photos are all noisy.  I was so angry when I noticed...especially since I had already eaten the raspberry. 

Oh and learn. we go with one of my Photo Studio class assignments - William Coupon lighting - on food (I'm sure Chris would be so proud).  I also snuck in some Horst P. Horst overhead spotlighting.

Man...I need a life...

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