Monday, January 30, 2017

“We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness–and call it love–true love.” ~Robert Fulghum, True Love


Today was Day 1 of the Great Dress Search.  Emily and Chauncey (the "Fiancé") became engaged at Christmas, but with everyone so busy over the holidays and Emily having to travel to St. Louis, this was the first break she's had to come home.  Mara is going to be her Maid of Honor, so that's really exciting, too!  We spent all day today looking for The of The ONES.  She and the fiancé are being married in Las Vegas and having the reception here...which requires two dresses (of course - duh!). are some of the selections...

(I'm not allowed to say if she chose one...or which one it is if she did.) 

Sunday, January 29, 2017

“You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one.” ~John Lennon


Here are some more "out and about" photos....(I need to spend a little more time out and about).

I know this photo isn't in focus (I was in the backseat of the car) but who can resist a pet squirrel??

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

If at first, you don't succeed....


I tried it again...with more "professional" results (no rookie mistakes)....


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

“What looked like morning was the beginning of endless night” ~William Peter Blatty


This is what fog looks like to 7am.  Kinda reminds me of this movie I've seen....think Tubular Bells...

“We mourn the blossoms of May because they are to whither; but we know that May is one day to have its revenge upon November, by the revolution of that solemn circle which never stops---which teaches us in our height of hope, ever to be sober, and in our depth of desolation, never to despair.”
  ~  William Peter Blatty, The Exorcist  

Monday, January 23, 2017

Wednesday, January 18, 2017



Oh the sights you see...if you just pay attention.

It's always good to know there are people out there also having bad days....

Just exactly does this happen?  And I know he only made it about 1/8 of a mile before he noticed...

I personally have bent dollies, poked holes in trailers, torn the doors off trailers, almost dropped a trailer off the back of a tractor and even shattered the windshield of a yard-tractor but I have never, ever broken a trailer in two.

I wanted to stay and watch how they resolved this problem, but it probably took them hours to decide what to do.

Better them than me.

Monday, January 16, 2017

“On matters of style, swim with the current, on matters of principle, stand like a rock.” ~Thomas Jefferson


Back to the monotonous.  You can always tell when my inner "Artsy-Fartsy" is tingling.  I start taking photos of whatever is available at the time.  Case in point:  my food.  I even set everything up just like I am in a real studio (instead of wasting my precious "gifts" sitting on my bum at my brain-numbing job). 

Subjects - a raspberry and chocolate chips
Tripod - my cellphone and some napkins
Seamless backdrop - a roll of paper towels
Lights - a flashlight (I even made it into a softbox with a napkin)

My only miscue?  I made a freaking rookie mistake and had my ISO set on 6400 for the raspberry and the photos are all noisy.  I was so angry when I noticed...especially since I had already eaten the raspberry. 

Oh and learn. we go with one of my Photo Studio class assignments - William Coupon lighting - on food (I'm sure Chris would be so proud).  I also snuck in some Horst P. Horst overhead spotlighting.

Man...I need a life...