Thursday, April 7, 2016

Life - as I know it....


Here are some more random-y photos from my week. 

I seem to have misplaced Chuck's battery charger and extra battery, so I may have to get my other camera, Mystique, out to help bring in the slack.  I had to leave the house yesterday without a camera on my shoulder.  I felt positively naked!!

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down....except I shot this in Frisch's parking lot after Pappy and I had a delicious breakfast.  Not so depressing after all.

The Wienermobile!!!

I was trying to find a suitable background for my truck.  I didn't really like the first one.  It's the cover on on of my journals.  The second is a clipboard.  Better.

My life is an endless source of amusement.  Thank god no one follows me around with a video camera...


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