Sunday, April 24, 2016

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt


Scenes from a bored photographer with waaaaaay too much time on her hands.  Hey, at least I'm trying to be creative.

Yeah...this is what it has come to...

Saturday, April 23, 2016

"I dream with my eyes open.” ~Jules Verne, Journey to the Center of the Earth


Mara and I went to the Cincinnati Art Museum last week for a "get all dressed up and go somewhere fancy for lunch" day.  I had a nice lunch at the Terrace Cafe with this sassy chick...

(You can't tell by these photos, but she was at least a foot taller than me with those wedges.)


Saturday, April 9, 2016

Punch it, Chewie.

Alrighty then...

It IS April 9th....right? 

So, this was what I had to drive through to get to work last night.  For real?  April 9th??  The snowflakes were the size of softballs!!  It seriously looked like I was on the Millennium Falcon.  I learned that it is very disconcerting to be driving into flakes that big coming straight at the windshield.

Just for the record?  I despise snow.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Life - as I know it....


Here are some more random-y photos from my week. 

I seem to have misplaced Chuck's battery charger and extra battery, so I may have to get my other camera, Mystique, out to help bring in the slack.  I had to leave the house yesterday without a camera on my shoulder.  I felt positively naked!!

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down....except I shot this in Frisch's parking lot after Pappy and I had a delicious breakfast.  Not so depressing after all.

The Wienermobile!!!

I was trying to find a suitable background for my truck.  I didn't really like the first one.  It's the cover on on of my journals.  The second is a clipboard.  Better.

My life is an endless source of amusement.  Thank god no one follows me around with a video camera...


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

"We should come home from adventures, and perils, and discoveries every day with new experience and character..." ~Henry David Thoreau


I was watching a YouTube video about Freelensing....and decided to try it.  Needless to say, it killed my hand.  The technique is where you detach the lens from the camera body and hold it close to the front of the camera and shoot through it this way, creating a tilt-shift technique.  It's pretty cool...if you have the patience.  Maybe I just need to practice a little more - and find something more interesting to shoot than my "prison cell".

Here is today's offering to the Art gods....

Can you tell how utterly complete my life is? 

(That was sarcasm if you didn't recognize it.)


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

"I know you've heard it a thousand times before. But it's true -- hard work pays off. If you want to be good, you have to practice, practice, practice. If you don't love something, then don't do it." ~Ray Bradbury


Last night, I brought my little portable Soft Box Studio with me to work.  I was making sure I hadn't lost my mojo. 

I have a collection of a WHOLE lot of little things...I can get waaaay more stuff into a small amount of space.  (That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.)

I have several hundred salt cellars...

The Lego guy must have seen me coming...  :)

Hmm...maybe I should dust them off a smidgen before I take photos....

I purchased these two paintings from an artist on Etsy.

I think I'm going to start collecting these small religious triptychs.  I love altarpieces, and at this size, I can have as many as I can find...

I'm just throwing in this last photo to illustrate the dimensions of the items I was photographing.

Maybe I haven't lost it after all.  I just need to knock off the rust and get back to it....probably not so much at work, though.

Yeah, right....


Monday, April 4, 2016

Sometimes I pretend to be normal. But it gets boring. So I go back to being me.


I have some random photos from the past week or so....

More "adult" coloring....

It's like Christmas every time walk into one of these places!

Mara pointed out this gem while we were on US 27 in Cold Spring...

And if you look a little closer....

Oh yeah...hillbilly-ness.
