Wednesday, December 2, 2015

" Don't wannna discuss it, Think it's time for a change, You may get disgusted, Start thinkin' that I'm strange" ~Van Morrison


I'll be working 1st shift for 8 weeks beginning December 3rd, so I don't know if I can get away with posting stuff while I am here during the day.  Maybe I will just switch it up and post in the evenings from home.  Hopefully, since I should also have my own car back, I can take more photos on my way home everyday.  We'll looks good on paper though, right?

Well...tonight I am going to post all of the other photos I have from our recent adventures.  They are a little random - but if you know me, that's par for the course.

Here ya go...

Apparently, I have a "thing" for electrical towers.

Pappy and I commented on how shabby and damaged all of the flags were that hand along US27 in Cold Spring.  Hey!!  They must have heard us!  (Or been ashamed of themselves for letting them get in that shape in the first place.)

A little humor from outside of Goodwill...

Randomness...(I think I was just trying to see if I could get a clear shot while the car was moving - fyi - I wasn't the one driving.)

Mustaches at the Art Museum...

Thanksgiving feast...

Shadows at Bob's...

And a moist windshield...

This last one reminds me of the Song "Domino" by Van Morrison...follow my train of thought here....when I was a little girl, I had these really weird puzzles of the "big-eyes" cats and little girls by Margaret Keane.  Several of the little girls were in Harlequin outfits and I think one was named "Domino" which is one of my favorite Morrison tunes...Tada!

Sadly, I had to give up one of my cat puzzles. 

When I was in second grade, my mom's mom - Mimi - and I flew to Tampa for a visit with her niece (Betty Ann) and we all drove back so we could stop at another niece's (Jane) to visit.  Well, Jane had about 12 kids and they lived on a farm out in the middle of nowhere in Tennessee.  Holy about culture shock!  I saw and experienced all kinds of things in those weeks - some I have never repeated since. 

They raised pigs in their back yard so that was my first time up close and personal (yeah), I got yelled at for touching the electric fence (which wasn't even on), their water was nasty, the wild rabbit they kept in a hutch died one night in an electrical storm, the boys were shooting cardinals out of the trees in the back yard, we picked cotton, it was the first time I swam in a lake (I'm sure my dad would have had a cow), Jane - who had a double mastectomy - was chasing Mimi around the house without a shirt on trying to show her the scars (which scarred ME for life!) and Mimi MADE me give the youngest daughter - Cindy I think - one of my beloved puzzles.  Keep in mind that, as the only daughter and the next sibling behind me was only 2 or 3, I had never had to - god forbid - SHARE my stuff, I was completely devastated.  Obviously, I never got over the ordeal. 

My mom's side of the family was so weird.  The stories I could tell.  Like when Betty Ann's and Jane's brother Tommy's monkey bit my knee or the time when we were living next to the funeral home and my cousins decided to have a seance and Betty Ann banged on the window to scare us - while there was a funeral happening. 

Pappy...your family is right up there, too.

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