Monday, October 26, 2015

“There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth...not going all the way, and not starting.” ~Buddha


I was going through my photos and I found a few that I hadn't posted yet.  Either I forgot about them, overlooked them or I am just that lazy.  I'm going with door number three.

A couple of weeks ago, I had a routine doctor's appointment and you know when you first get called back they "force" you to step on a scale.  I used to close my eyes and tell the nurse not to let me see.  I've overcome that now...maybe.  Before I ever stand on it I always sit my purse/camera bag on the scale.  10-1/2lbs these days.  Ouchie.  Chuck is FAT.  Well...since my last appointment I seem to have added to my winter insulation - except it was still September!!  Needless to say, the doctor "gave me the business".  He wants me to go to fat camp.  That's cool...I can do soon as I start working a little bit of a regular schedule.  These 70 hour + weeks are killing me.  Pappy decided we ALL should be cutting back a little anyway, so he's going to go with me to my first appointment.  Now I just need to schedule it...

Pappy and I have even started being good at the restaurants.  And so it begins...

I didn't resort to eating the parsley...yet.

I wanted to add this photo...just for Pappy.  See?  It must be you.  When Mara and I go there, we get to sit in the front row...

I have a strange habit of taking photos of the lights in Frisch's.  I have no idea why.  Weird.

This one was completely by accident.  I was trying to wrestle Chuck back into my purse and apparently he was putting up a pretty good fight.  Cool pic, though.

And of course we have the requisite "Frischy" photo...

For some reason I had Chuck set at 3 steps down...makes for a couple of really creepy (and cool) shots.

"All our knowledge has it origins in our perceptions."
~Leonardo da Vinci 


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