Thursday, September 24, 2015

“It takes less effort to keep an old customer satisfied than to get a new customer interested..."


As you can see, I have been SUPREMELY busy. 

Yeah, right.  I am back to working 7 days a week, my job is the epitome of boring, thankfully the Fall television schedule has started (I'm running out of stuff to watch at night) and my hand is freaking killing me.  I have also slipped back into my hermit mode.  So...not too many photos.

Pappy and I go here often enough that the little old ladies running the registers are going to start talking about us...

This sign is in the back parking lot of Krispy belongs to the business next door.

Every time Pappy and I visit the Goodwill in Bellevue I catch this view out of the corner of my eye.  This time I was able to get Chuck in place quick enough to capture it.

And I am completely obsessed with these Legos. everybody knows what to get me for my birthday...or my Saturday...

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