Wednesday, March 16, 2016

"I've got nothing to do and all day to do it..."


I've been the busy little bee. 


No, seriously.  Busy...but not with work stuff.  ART STUFF (at work)!!  Legos and coloring books.  It's great to be a kid again!

Here are 4 different photos of my new Zac Efron Lego dude.  I was trying to decide (well...I was being all artsy-fartsy) which depth of field I liked better.




or f-22.

Then Zac got all excited and sped away...

As you can tell, I have WAY too much time on my hands.  Case in point?  I purchased a coloring book...of mandalas.  I decided to make copies and color them in case one or two turn out nice enough to frame.  These are my first 2.  I used my mom's oil paint pencils.  Pretty cool!!  And they turned out beautifully.



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