Saturday, July 19, 2014

Fly Me To The Moon.....

Oh man....

The Boys (Jerry and Bob) and I have been watching YouTube videos of Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Frank Sinatra and friends.  Holy crap.  Why are there no entertainers like these nowadays?  This generation is missing out on some UTTERLY classy performers.  The music is second to none.  It is thoroughly worth your time to investigate these guys.  Spend some extra time and watch a couple of the Celebrity Roast shows from this era.

And?  Foster Brooks is "da bomb".  Freaking hilarious! is another installment of my "So Far This Summer - Adventures".   (We're gettin' to the end...promise)

Scary dolls, creepy cats, pretty lilies, deliciousness from Aglamesis Bro's and Teddy Roosevelt...what more could you ask for in one weekend?

And just think of this...I'm still saving the creepy-EST for last.

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