Saturday, July 26, 2014

Here Comes Peter Cottontail...To Eat Your Brain...


I've saved the very best for last.  This, my friends, is the stuff of nightmares (well, mine at least).  Back in the Winter, when we were cleaning out ol' Crazy-Uncle-Stanton's house, we came upon a tchotchke of monumental gorgeous-ness.  Believe me, it was one of MANY.  That whole time spent in Stanton's house has probably scarred me for life!

O. M. G....I promise.

This guy is going to steal my soul.  I can feel his eyes boring into my brain.  I thought I'd share my eerie, skin-crawling ordeal with Pappy.  I was singing the Peter Cottontail song as I hopped this little masterpiece around the TV table - so he could also imbibe in Mr. Creepy-Ass Bunny's thousand yard stare.  Pappy, being Pappy, fixed Mr. Bunny right up....and THIS is what was waiting for me when I woke up that afternoon.

Holy Hell...this is supposed to make it better??

Thank, Pap....if you haven't seen him today, I fixed him up juuust right.  Penny wasn't too happy about it, though.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Odds and Ends...

Just stuff....

Here are the last few pics of my week's adventures.  Fountains, Rudbeckia, Echinacea, signage, and the ever-present Flotsam and Jetsam of the city.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

And I'm floating in a most peculiar way And the stars look very different today....

So...Last weekend Mara and I moseyed on over to the City Flea at Washington Park.  Holy Crap.  I love that place.  Not just the Flea Market but the Park itself.  I was so skeptical when the place was first opened, but we have attended so many AMAZING events there and not once has there been anything but a positive energy flow.

If you haven't visited the venue, go.  I is well worth it.

Here is some of my usual randomness...enjoy.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Fly Me To The Moon.....

Oh man....

The Boys (Jerry and Bob) and I have been watching YouTube videos of Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Frank Sinatra and friends.  Holy crap.  Why are there no entertainers like these nowadays?  This generation is missing out on some UTTERLY classy performers.  The music is second to none.  It is thoroughly worth your time to investigate these guys.  Spend some extra time and watch a couple of the Celebrity Roast shows from this era.

And?  Foster Brooks is "da bomb".  Freaking hilarious! is another installment of my "So Far This Summer - Adventures".   (We're gettin' to the end...promise)

Scary dolls, creepy cats, pretty lilies, deliciousness from Aglamesis Bro's and Teddy Roosevelt...what more could you ask for in one weekend?

And just think of this...I'm still saving the creepy-EST for last.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Party On, Dudes.....


Here are a few more photos from our Excellent Adventures.
