Saturday, April 5, 2014

Beauty in things exists merely in the mind which contemplates them....

Who knew...

I have so many photos!  Although, I like going back and perusing.  I keep finding something I haven't seen for years!  I did figure out something horrible the other day....I have apparently lost (misplaced) 3 whole months of photographs from January-March of 2010.  The depressing part is that they are from my Applied Photography class where we were in the studio shooting product.  I am hoping that I was just hurriedly making room on my external hard drive during class one day and I pulled everything over onto a flash drive.

Now...finding that flash may prove tricky.  I think I might have 6 or 7 I was using at that point.  :)

Well, here is a sampling of my Still Life/Studio work I chose to share.  It's a weird mixture, too.  We'll just call it a "Loose Interpretation".


I just have to say this again...I REALLY do not like having to choose....I've been Streeped, yet again.

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